Together, Toward Equality

The Humanity Project values our partnerships. We believe that working alongside likeminded organizations, corporations and individuals allows us to expand our reach … and accomplish much more. The wonderful community foundation, Our Fund Foundation, is a notable case in point.

Today, we thank Our Fund Foundation for their ongoing financial support — we were just awarded another generous grant by these caring folks. We are deeply grateful to Our Fund CEO David Jobin, as well as his staff including Mark and Obed … and their fine Board of Directors. And we are proud to say of both our Antibullying Through The Arts and Humanity Club programs, “This program was made possible by a grant from Our Fund Foundation, an LGBTQ community foundation.” Our Fund is the nation’s third largest LGBTQ foundation.

Their support was specifically awarded for our acclaimed antibullying programs, yes, but Our Fund recognizes that our work on behalf of equality for the LGBTQ population goes well beyond youth programming. On Monday, September 20, for example, the Humanity Project will offer a one-hour presentation as a sponsor of the Barry University Peace-In. The event is in recognition of the United Nations International Day of Peace. This presentation will include our founder’s overview of the Humanity Project philosophy promoting “Equality For Each, Respect For All”… and a discussion by Mandi Hawke of the Humanity Project Leadership Council about our efforts specifically on behalf of the LGBTQ community. In October, the Humanity Project will sponsor more events and presentations as part of National Coming Out Week. And we will hold two major events in November with both a special film and a theater piece on LGBTQ issues, working in partnership with the respected LGBTQ agency, SAVE. One of these events will be at The Foundry in Wilton Manors, Florida, the other event will be held a bit later in Miami-Dade County.

We work every day to instill greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity, our stated mission. This means working with both kids and adults in classes and panels, presentations and seminars as well as through free materials offered on our three websites and nine social media pages. We try to inspire, to uplift, to remind everyone that each human being possesses an equal value and should be treated accordingly. That’s what the Humanity Project is all about … and we feel fortunate to have a partner in the Our Fund Foundation that shares this goal.