donate to help kids

Sponsor A Child

Are you looking for a meaningful way to make a difference in the world? Our unique Humanity Club program uses the arts to teach diverse groups of young student leaders the values of respect, equality and self-worth. Now you can make a lasting impact on these children – and help them to share their important values with many other kids.

Your $10 monthly donation enables another young leader to work toward a society that truly offers "equality for each, respect for all." Though we can’t tell you specifically which child will benefit from your support, we promise that your money is an investment in the future of our students. Just $10 a month helps a youngster grow into a strong and confident leader who inspires positive change in the community.

Use this link to visit our “Sponsor A Child” page, where you can look over the options to directly help our kids. Join us in this vital effort by sponsoring a Humanity Club child today. **

**Your contributions are deductible for federal tax purposes. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.