Our Fund Foundation

A Foundation Of Goodness

Our Fund Foundation has grown into a national presence: Our Fund now is this country’s third largest LGBTQ foundation. This amazing organization under the leadership of the dynamic David Jobin supports, in their own words, “people who care, causes that matter.” The Humanity Project is proud that Our Fund is one of our longtime major sponsors.

Our partnership has become even stronger in recent days, with important generous new funding that allows the Humanity Project to expand our acclaimed antibullying programs with a focus on key human values — equality, diversity, respect-for-all, self-worth. This means we reach many more kids, influence many more lives through Our Fund’s vital support. And stop the bullying that disproportionately damages young LGBTQ students.

One of our many Humanity Project kids, delivering an important message

At a time when schools are under political assault, including Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, the Humanity Project knows it’s more important than ever to connect in meaningful ways with students about core values. Values that help prevent bullying, encourage common decency and teach the central significance of healthy relationships with others and with oneself. That’s what our Humanity Club and Antibullying Through The Arts programs do. We are lucky, very lucky, that the good folks at Our Fund understand this too.

Our Fund continues to progress as an organization, efforts that include their new strategic plan. Kudos not only to David Jobin, then, but also to wonderful people such as Obed Caballero, Mark Blaylock, Ted Vasquez, Wendy Flores-Bravo as well as Board Chair Scott Bennett and too many others to name. They are a great team. And together they make this community a much better place. Thank you, Our Fund Foundation, for helping the Humanity Project to do more and be more. We would not be the same without you. (Check out our new Humanity Project video: “Thank you, Our Fund!”)

Our Latest Covid Vaccination Event

On Sunday, May 30, the Humanity Project held another Covid vaccination event. This time, we worked with parishioners and walk-ins at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Pompano Beach, Florida. It was a success, as you can see from some of the photos taken that day.

Before this, we set up a large event at the local Pride Center, which offers services to the LGBTQ community. And we have worked for months on distributing information to promote Covid vaccine equity among LGBTQ, African American and other underrepresented communities that may not receive the vaccine at rates experienced by other populations. Our wonderful major sponsor, Our Fund Foundation, helped support this work with a generous grant to the Humanity Project.

Though the pandemic is waning in this country, it seems, the Humanity Project remains committed to vaccine equity — and we continue to strive toward that goal. Our motto, afterall, is, “Equality For Each, Respect For All.” We believe that a worldwide health crisis creates many glaring inequalities. Our mission requires us to do what we can to help correct this imbalance.

Progress Against Pandemic

With our partners at Our Fund Foundation, the Humanity Project is making a dent in the pandemic. Obviously, a very small dent … this is a global problem requiring the efforts of millions worldwide. But yes, we have some progress to report — an issue we’re tackling to improve Covid vaccine equity in underrepresented populations.

First, we’ve been successful in setting up some vaccination events. The Pride Center, an LGBTQ agency in South Florida, injected some 600 people with Covid vaccine in April as a direct result of the Humanity Project’s efforts with the State of Florida and Broward County. With big thanks to Humanity Project Board member, Bob LaMendola, for making this important event possible! Also, we will hold another such event on May 30 at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Pompano Beach, Florida and at least one other is likely in the near future. We’ll keep you posted.

In conjunction with the diverse coalition we launched in January called the Diversity Unity Coalition, the Humanity Project also has distributed nearly 1,000 Covid informational cards all around South Florida. This includes giving out the cards at community events such as food distributions — the picture above came from one such food giveaway in April. Thanks to our good friends Andrew Leone and Todd Delmay for helping with that effort.

With plenty of vaccine finally available around the U.S., our work on this issue now focuses especially on Covid vaccine education as we encourage everyone to take their turn and roll up their sleeves. As you probably know, this pandemic won’t end until we reach a level of herd immunity — and that means at least 75-80% of us must be vaccinated. We’re nowhere near that figure now. We hope you’ll do your part. Get vaccinated if you haven’t, please. And if you have, encourage your friends and family to do so. As they say, we’re all in this together.

Carrying Us Through COVID

When the COVID-19 crisis began, so did The Great Lockdown. This social isolation instantly made survival a challenge for many individuals, businesses — and nonprofits, including the Humanity Project. Enter Our Fund Foundation. Within days their amazing CEO, David Jobin, had reached out with vital questions to all the agencies they fund: What can we do to help? What do you need most?

Our Fund Foundation supports agencies that work to improve life for the LGBTQ community, with the Humanity Project among them. Of course what we needed was no different than most of those other nonprofits: funding to get through the lockdown.

Not long after, the Humanity Project received word that Our Fund had created a Resilience Fund of $150,000, looking for a donor match of that amount or more. As it turned out the always generous LGBTQ community and allies quickly came through. And the Humanity Project received a check for $5,000 to help us survive the crisis.

We can’t thank Our Fund Foundation enough, along with David Jobin and his great team. They wisely delivered this much-needed funding to us and the other nonprofits with a minimum of conditions or paperwork. Just use the money as needed, they told everyone. We can assure you, that’s just what we’re doing.

We hope you’ll take just a few minutes to watch this lovely brief video that Our Fund Foundation put together to thank those who donated to the Resilience Fund. Like Our Fund itself, these individuals made an important difference. And we are grateful, very grateful. Watch the Our Fund Foundation Resilience Fund video.