
Parents Saving Teens

The daughter? Or the mother? Parents greatly influence their teenager’s driving habits.

A brief post today. Just long enough to tell you about a new podcast you’ll want to hear, especially if you are the parent of a teenage driver. Click here to listen.

Like this blog, it’s called, “Parents Saving Teens” and features insightful discussion from two experts on safe teen driving: Jose Soto from State Farm and Melissa Branca from Florida SADD. The podcast’s focus is on parenting — ways that parents can instill in their young motorists a genuine respect for the dangers posed to their lives and the lives of other people on the roads. Research shows parental driving habits are the largest influence on the driving behavior of teens, who die from auto crashes far more than from any other cause in the United States.

We hope that you’ll take the time to listen carefully to our discussion — and that you’ll pass along the link to friends and family who may benefit as well.

Wow! New Website 4 Parents Of Teen Drivers!

Please don’t spend a lot of time reading this blog, OK? We’re going to keep it very brief …

Why? So instead you can spend some time exploring our brand new resource: “The Humanity Project 4 Parents.” It’s a fun, funny and educational website for parents of teen drivers, an interactive online workshop that teaches rather than preaches. You’ll see what we mean if you check it out: Visit the new thp4parents website!

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The site was made possible by generous funding from our great friends, and very good neighbors, at State Farm. At www.thp4parents.com you’ll find the information and tools to help you make sure your teen driver comes home in one piece — and you do too. It’s all about #respectontheroads … So yes, head over to the new site now, if you would be so kind. And please pass along the link to some parents who can use it.