Welcoming GLLN (Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Network)

Today we officially welcome an important new sponsor to the Humanity Project family of supporters. The Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Network, based in Wilton Manors, Florida, just this week presented the Humanity Project with a check for nearly $5,700 to benefit our anti-bullying programs. At the same time, GLLN gave a check in the same amount to SunServe, a fine nonprofit that also works to end bullying. 


Fun at the GLLN Gala 

Fun at the GLLN Gala 

The money was raised through the utterly delightful GLLN Gala, where generous GLLN members and their friends last month bought every auction item to help fight bullying. Everyone at the Humanity Project is very grateful. As you may recall, all our funds go toward our programs -- and all our programs and other materials are free. The Humanity Project is an unusual nonprofit in these ways and we're proud of our focus on helping the community. 

Our founder, Bob Knotts, speaking at the GLLN Gala 

Our founder, Bob Knotts, speaking at the GLLN Gala 

We're also proud of our strong connections with the LGBT community, including the amazing Our Fund LGBT community foundation and now GLLN. The Humanity Project's core values of respect, diversity and self-worth align perfectly with the interests of the LGBT community in their struggle for full equality. Our anti-bullying work, our school programs that help kids to help other kids understand and live out those three core values ... these are important for all children but especially LGBT kids who are disproportionately bullied and ostracized. The LGBT community's support for our work allows us to do more -- and inspires us too. Thank you, Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Network. And welcome to the Humanity Project! We look forward to a long and meaningful partnership with you in the months and years ahead.